Everybody has bad days, we're only human. I had a bad day yesterday but I knew it was just 'one of those days'. Sometimes you have to mope around in bed and cry because you know what, sometimes you need it. You don't have to pretend to be happy all the time, you're allowed to have down days, you are allowed to be upset, you are allowed to have 'fat days', cheat days, shouldn't of eaten that much food days. I thought I would share a few things that could make you that little bit happier, either after a bad day or to avoid having the bad days...
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- Accept the things you can't change. Accept the fact you have something on your body you don't like, a scar, a birth mark etc. It's a part of you. A beautiful little speck on a butterfly wing. If you can change something, do it.
- Blast your favourite songs. Weather it's a club/dance album, or a Disney soundtrack. Play that shit loud. Sing your heart out and dance your booty off.
- Smile at your reflection in the mirror, smile at people you don't know, smile at people you hate, smile at the cute elderly couple crossing the road, smile at nature and the tree's if you like...just smile.
- Watch the sunset. I think modern day now, we forget how pretty the world is, we would rather stay in bed for the few extra moments and check our social media like it's the newspaper. Get out of bed, open the window, take a breath of fresh air and look at what's around you.
- Ignore people who think they know more about you than you do. You are you, nobody knows you better than you know yourself. You have your own thoughts, opinions, your own likes and dislikes, your own hobbies, things you love, things that you hate and that is something that nobody can take away from you. ever.
- Keep a happy list. If you had a nice day or somebody said something lovely, write it down. When you are feeling down, it's nice to look back and remember all the lovely things.
- Be happy with what you have, be grateful for what you have, but never stop working for what you want.
- Read a good bloody book, turn off your tv, put your phone on silent, light some candles, put your hair on top of your head, tuck up in bed and even if you read a chapter or two, just read.
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